Thursday, 23 October 2014

What is De Ja Vu?

Have you ever had that feeling whilst going through your normal day, that you’ve been there before, you spoken to that person about that thing before or you’ve had a glimpse of that situation in the past, but you know that you could not have possibly really been there?

I have that all the time, and actually so does my husband.   What does it mean?   I’ve been told by a number of Christians that it is of the devil but I don’t believe them and I’m going to tell you why. 

One day my husband was riding his bike with a friend in a particular area when he had flash back or prophetic fast forward of that scene in his mind where his friend had been killed by the truck and so he yelled out to his friend to be careful and the friend stopped riding and the truck drove on by. 

So if it was used to save a life, than why are Christians calling it bad?   I believe because they don’t know the roots.    See God loves to show us things that are going to happen in the future to encourage us, to warn us, and to show us how to pray.    These gifts are called prophecy and a word of knowledge and a word of wisdom, and are referred to in 1 Corinthians 12:  7But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. 8For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, and to another the word of knowledge according to the same Spirit; 9to another faith by the same Spirit, and to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit,…

Who knows though that Satan loves to counterfeit good things so that we get confused and scared of them?  What God intends for good and our benefit, the enemy loves to distort. 

Here is an article that I found really helpful in understanding de ja vu, and perhaps it’s not the full picture but it’s a good start.

So have you experienced this before?  Was it scary or helpful? 
Linking up at: Everyday Jesus




  1. Hi Lizzy! Stopping by from Fellowship Fridays and your post is so interesting to think about. I've never been bothered by deja vu. Considering it from a spiritual perspective, next time I experience deja vu, I'll pay more attention to see if there's any significance!

  2. Thanks for this post, Lizzy-- honestly, I haven't worried too much about it (or really heard much that it is a thing.) I do believe God speaks to us and can foreshadow or give us holy discernment in the moment via knowledge, wisdom, prophecy etc-- and really has nothing to do with deja vu. Appreciate you sharing!
